
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Downward Dog, anyone?

Photo Credit:

 I've always been a little afraid of yoga. I'm not very flexible and it appeared (from everything I saw) that you had to be super flexible to participate in yoga. My sister loaned us their P90X yoga tape to try. I know, I know - who starts off practicing yoga with P90X? We do. We figured we might as well go full throttle. This was brutal. The tape is about 90 minutes long and I can usually get thru about 20 minutes of it. Hubs is definitely more flexible than me. The last 70 minutes, I spend "reviewing" the techniques so I can do the whole thing the next time - LOL. It is a great workout and I can feel it - even after such a short period of time. Coco isn't so crazy about yoga. She's getting better though. Now she only jumps up on me a few times mid pose.

Photo Credit: Pinterest

  I think what I like most about practicing yoga is clearing my head and just focusing on breathing. I am also partial to the downward dog pose!

  My hope is to soon take a yoga class at one of the local yoga centers. I'll keep you posted!

  Do you practice yoga? Would you consider it? Do tell.........


  1. I have ALWAYS wanted to try Yoga but never have! I hear it is a wonderful way to elongate your body and promote good posture not to mention a wonderful stress reliever! I will have to give it a try! Thank you for your sweet comment! Kiah

  2. I tried yoga one time and it was just a bit too slow for me. That is when I picked up Pilates and it has changed my life and my body!! I hate skipping my sessions, so I know I love it. Have you tried it before?

  3. Tiffany - I haven't tried Pilates before. I have a friend and a sister who love it. I may have to try it soon.

    Kiah - You should try it! Let me know if you do and what you think if you do.


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