
Monday, August 1, 2011

What motivates you?

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  I've been on a pretty good roll of exercising consistently for the last few months. Mind you, I am certainly not ready for any type of muscle girl competitions. I have lost a few pants sizes and am getting a little more toned. My motivation? Our cruise in a few months and the fact that I should maintain some level of activity in my old age - LOL. My workout of choice - the good old treadmill at the gym.  Oh, I had one at our home and swore i wouldn't be one of "those" people who just hung clothes on their treadmills. Well, I did become one of those people. Kinda - I never hung clothes on it. I also rarely used it while in our home. I do better working out in a gym. We are blessed to be able to have memberships at a few gyms in town.

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  The gym I really like is 1.) open 24 hours, 2.) RARELY busy and 3.) it's super clean. Email me and I may tell you where it is - LOL. Can't let it get too busy.  My husband and I have also recently started doing yoga - Vinyasa yoga at home. The P90X version. To say it is rough is an understatement, but I love it. I can not believe how sore I can get from stretching and holding poses. We have also started playing table tennis. Little did I know the workout I would get from this. Mind you, it's mostly from running after the balls. But that counts - right?

 So, what motivates you to workout? Where do you work out? Do you have a workout buddy?


  1. Well, right now I don't have much motivation to workout, so I'm trying to find a reason, haha. The past six months or so, I've been in a rut, and as a result of it, I've gained a lot of weight and just haven't felt well in general. I had my gallbladder removed a few months ago, and my stress level is so high that I have terrible stomach problems. I don't even know where to begin, and I'm only 20 years old! I plan to start working out when I get back to school and have access to the gym, but my problems is that I'm just too busy or too tired to find time. It's really discouraging, actually!

  2. Omgoodness, Tara! I will keep you in my prayers.

  3. Thanks Erika, I appreciate it! How did you get yourself on track with a routine?

  4. My husband has beena big support. He has always gone to the gym. So, he helps me and I help him when one of us doesn't "feel" like it. Try to get a workout buddy and set a schedule that you both are comfortable. I would suggest starting out with just a few days. hope this helps!


What's on your mind?