
Friday, July 29, 2011

Friday Fave - Trader Joe's

Trader Joe's is one of our go to stores for groceries. I am HOOKED on the Air popped and Olive oil popcorn. So, when we go, I usually buy at least two bags of it. Maxi and Coco seem to like it, too. When I drop some that is. Maxi is tiny - so, he practically sits on my shoulder waiting for a kernel to fall. Sometimes, it falls by "accident".

  You won't find brand names at Trader Joe's. They have their own brand as well as not so well known brands of food. They basically bring the customer what they know they want. They don't have sales or discount cards. Their prices are totally reasonable. In fact, their fresh flower prices are lower than most.

 There is a little section in the store that hosts samples. They showcase an item or two (or three) and a coffee drink and sometimes a cold drink. Yesterday, the food sample was hummus and tabbouleh on sweet potato tortilla chips. Out of this world good. So good, we purchased all of the items and had as a little snack last night for movie night. Hummus is made from cooked, mashed chickpeas, blended with tahini, olive oil, lemon juice, salt and garlic. Tabbouleh is is a healthful and delicious Mediterranean food recipe prepared with cracked wheat, mint, garlic, tomatoes, green onions, olive oil and lemon.

 Fun fact: Wonder why they ring those bells? Apparently, it's their "Morse Code". One ring means - more registers needed. Two rings means - customer question. Three rings means - a manager is needed.  Who knew???

 Do you have a Trader Joe's in your area? If so, what are your favorite items?

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