
Monday, August 8, 2011

Makeup Brushes - Foundation

 I've never used a foundation makeup brush until about 3 months ago. I can not believe the difference using one makes. Less waste and better coverage. I don't use a lot of foundation - just enough for a polished look. I barely use enough to cover my freckles. I could never figure out why I always had to buy it so soon. It was because I was using my hands to apply it. Using a foundation brush allows me to put a small bit - from the bottle and to  apply to my face. Brilliant!

 I normally wash my makeup brushes once a week.  I tend to wash the foundation brush every few days.
Do you use a foundation brush? Why or why not? Also, how often and how do you clean your brushes?
My inquiring mind would like to know.

Have a great day!


  1. I don't use foundation brushes because I just feel like they don't really blend the makeup into my skin entirely. Any time I've had my makeup done by someone with a brush, it looks cake-y and very unflattering. I like to use my fingers to blend it in much better. The only thing I use a brush for is my blush. I know using your hands isn't the best technique because of the oils in your hands and such, but I haven't really had a problem with it. And the excess makeup in my hand after I apply- I just scoop it back into the bottle.

  2. I dont use it just because I feel like im wasting the foundation when it's all over the brush. I just simply use my fingers to blend it out actually.

  3. Thanks for your comments, Tara and Yvonne!


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