
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Travel Thursday - Where are you from?

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Typically, my Travel Thursdays are based on my travels (places my husband and I have visited or places we plan to visit). I have noticed that I have a lot of readers from across the world. I am intrigued by where people are from.  So, this Travel Thursday, I would like to hear from you! Leave a comment telling:
  • What city/state/country are you from?
  • What makes your city/state/state/country special?
  • What is one thing everyone should do if they visit your place?  Extra points for non - touristy spots!


  1. i'm from salt lake city, utah.
    it's special because the 2002 winter olympics were here! it was awesome.
    if you're ever in SLC, wander around all the little local shops. there are soooo many cool places to visit & eat at.


  2. I'm from Los Angeles...born and raised there!!!! Woo Hoo! I think everyone knows there's tons to do in L.A. I currently live in Claremont, Ca. which is a small city about 35 miles east of Los Angeles. If you ever come to Claremont you'll love it! It's a college town and similar to a mini - Berkeley with quaint shops and boutique, a farmer's market, bike riders, great restaurants, yoga studios, etc. It's affectionately known as the land of tree's and Ph.D.'! If visiting Claremont you must go down to the Claremont Village area which is where all the shops are. There's a record store that is awesome, and a music store owned by musician Ben Harper and a great cafe called Some Crust that has THE BEST Egg slider breakfast sandwiches.

    Myisha :)

  3. Thanks, ladies. Both places sound great.
    Elisabeth - I have never been to SLC. May need to make a visit! Thanks for stopping by.....

    Myisha - I adore LA. Claremont sounds like a definite visit the enxt time we are there!
    Thanks as always for your comments!



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