
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What's in my bag....

Ivanka Trump’s Armani Bag
Photo Credit: Instyle Magazine - Ivanka Trump's Armani bag

 I have always loved purses. I remember being in elementary school when all of the little girls started carrying purses. Several of us would spend our recess seeing what was in the others purses. Cute stickers, glittery polishes and lip glosses, Juicy Fruit gum... all sorts of goodies.  I still love seeing what's in other girls purses. So, imagine my delight a few years ago when Instyle magazine featured a series about what was in celebrities bags. Now, I have noticed that some bloggers are featuring the same.

 I'd like to go back to that time in elementary school - only in blogging form. I'm starting a special feature called (hold on to your pants) - "What's in my bag".  I'll start next week with my bag and contents.  I'd love to feature some of you all in the series! Here's what you need to do to be featured:
  • Submit at least 3 photos of your purse and what's in your bag. Please make sure the photos are flash free. Feel free to include a photo of you with your bag - though that is not required.
  • Tell us a bit about the contents of your bag and something about a few or all of them.
  • Tell us about your bag.
  • Please email them to me  -
I hope you will join me for this series - " What's in my bag.."

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